Stream of Conscientiousness

"con-sci-en-tious: (adj.) Governed by conscience, scrupulous || Characterized by or done with careful attention." --- Man, I was way off.

Location: Chicago, Illinois

I'm the wildest laid back person you'll ever meet. I wash my body first, hair last. I make one loop when I tie my shoes, not the bunny ears. Yet I prefer loafers. I'm in the market for a good pair of headphones, ones that won't wear out. Something akin to Gurgi's unending pouch of food (Lloyd Alexander fans??). I appreciate people that call me out when I'm bullshitting. I appreciate people helping me cut past the bullshit. I appreciate you if you've read this far. I've never owned a Zippo. I only recently learned how to dress myself. Bacci Pizza saved my life. More than once. It could save yours too. I dabble in acting. Any sentimental media about fathers makes me misty. Any sentimental media about children or puppies makes me roll my eyes. I love children and puppies, just not all forms of sentimentality. I am constantly on the lookout for my lucky dime.

Monday, January 17, 2005

well here we are

Many a time I have found myself typing into my navigation bar, and quickly scrolling away. So what's different about tonight? There's a ferocious game of SSX3 being played in the next room, and I have Shakespeare homework to work on. Creating a blog takes a lot less concentration than scoring Shakespeare in order to learn the Folio method of acting. It also takes a considerable amount less energy than any number of things: making a grilled cheese, cleaning the bathroom, setting my alarm, hell, getting off the couch to put myself to bed. These things require energy. Here I'm just spilling out onto the page. Your welcome.

Well, SSX3 just ended, meaning that I will now be hearing a rousing battle on the fussball table. Basement living is fun. I'm prone to caves. In fact, I've entertained wild fantasies about moving to the Amazon, stringing together some pants made out of grass and hooting and hollering at any "tourists" that the river is damned and that they best turn back. I'd probably just end up catching up on my reading. Cause man, I'm behind.

It's funny how the number of things to read once you graduate doesn't decrease, it increases. Because now you have the freedom to read what you want, and lo and behold that isn't always Vanity Fair. Who the hell does read Vanity Fair? You do? Well good for you.

But seriously, the Amazon. There's a reason they named a website after it: it's got everything! Pirahna, trees, bikini-clad women carrying spears, seriously, anything you could want in this world, sitting right in front of you in the Amazon. Except for Wonka bars. Everyone expects Wonka bars. Sheesh.

I was watching Willy Wonka tonight in fact. Why are they remaking it? Asinine, I tell you. But then again... no, wait, it is asinine. My brain just crash landed into the word "asinine" and refused to move further. Luckily the runway crews cleared up the mess and we're moving right along again.

Oh dear, is it that obvious I'm tired? I believe it must be, so I'll go and conclude this session of Peegie's Weegies. Except that Peegie Weegie is me, and don't you forget it. I'll regale you with stories soon. But don't hold your breath, I'm a busy man. A busy man on his way to the Amazon.


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