Stream of Conscientiousness

"con-sci-en-tious: (adj.) Governed by conscience, scrupulous || Characterized by or done with careful attention." --- Man, I was way off.

Location: Chicago, Illinois

I'm the wildest laid back person you'll ever meet. I wash my body first, hair last. I make one loop when I tie my shoes, not the bunny ears. Yet I prefer loafers. I'm in the market for a good pair of headphones, ones that won't wear out. Something akin to Gurgi's unending pouch of food (Lloyd Alexander fans??). I appreciate people that call me out when I'm bullshitting. I appreciate people helping me cut past the bullshit. I appreciate you if you've read this far. I've never owned a Zippo. I only recently learned how to dress myself. Bacci Pizza saved my life. More than once. It could save yours too. I dabble in acting. Any sentimental media about fathers makes me misty. Any sentimental media about children or puppies makes me roll my eyes. I love children and puppies, just not all forms of sentimentality. I am constantly on the lookout for my lucky dime.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Media Baiting

First off,, whoo boy, this website likes to chap my brisket. Today marks the second time I have written an enormously long message only to have it deleted when I tried to post. I know nothing is perfect, but come on, those were moments of genius lost! And you wonder why I don't update more often. Nothing like that to crush a guy's spirits. I shall attempt to recreate.

I typically check throughout the day to get my news. It's moderately informative, with a few main stories grouped with a few "fun" blurbs to keep the People magazine readers sufficiently entertained.

Recently, however, I've been seeing a header called "Breaking News" on the top of the website emblazoned in red, always ending with an ominous tone of "Details soon." What I'm struck by is the complete disregard for the reader's intelligence, expecting us to be cowed by the promise of exciting news to come. News that ultimately ends up not really delivering for the shock that it attempts to drum up.

Now the first time I wrote this it came off in my mind as very cynical, because I brought up the idea of Iraq. But the point of this thought is simply that the most illuminating blurb I've recently read on the media was on the side of a Starbuck's cup, something to the effect that "there is no liberal media, there is no conservative media, there are only reporters seeking for the most sensational presentation in order to captivate their audience." Media tends to play more towards shock than real information, it's a business just like anything else and it's quite disappointing to find that we're being played with.

Anyway, it's because of this that I can understand why Bush says he doesn't pay attention to the news. Not to say that isn't a really stupid statement, if anything he should be the one reading news from multiple media outlets. What I understand is simply that Bush is likely one of the most cynical people in the nation, despite his efforts to infuse optimism and fun into his administration.

I prepared my taxes yesterday. Because they were a little more complicated than usual this year, I took them to H&R Block. In case you haven't been warned before, don't go to H&R Block. I'm paying a lot this year, but a quarter of my charges are from H&R Block. Oy. Not to mention feeling like I insulted my own intelligence by not getting my own taxes together.

But the sum total of my life right now: I have a good job, I'm in a play, I have upcoming auditions, this nice girl named taloo keeps calling me, my apartment rocks, and summer is upon us. The sun is shining. If this isn't nice, what is?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

What it's come to

I am actually at work right now and without a scrap of work to do. This is, in fact, what I have resorted to in oder to look busy while I'm waiting for work to get delivered to me. And yet it's super sunny outside. Or rather, it was. Thunderstorms on the horizon. Exciting stuff.

I can't remember the last time I made a fort during a rainstorm, that must have been years ago. Ok, it was last week. But seriously, during summers in Wisconsin there was nothing better than building a fort up in the our creaky musty attic and playing the Milton Bradley game "Pathfinder" (which apparently no one has ever heard of) until dinner time. Or else the rain would stop and we'd go look for worms in the humongous puddles in our front yard. Somehow the muddy memories of my childhood always seem to slip away. I tend to forget I was one tough cookie.

The first bee sting I ever got was out in front of that house. I thought it was a fly. Quite the pest. So I smacked it on the side of my neck. Now that was a feeling of surprise if I've ever had one.

Maybe I'll go buy a Chantico from Starbucks. And take a road trip to Rio. Now that's an idea.

Friday, April 01, 2005

I am belated

Oh boy it is way too late and I am just coming back from the opening night of my show and I haven't even checked to see if Neil left me a nasty comment becuase I promised him I'd update and I didn't.

I can't even begin to express what's running through my mind as so much happens in a month. People take everythinng way too seriously. I think that could summarize the month of any rational human being. Maybe the irrational ones too.

I am in love. Life is delicious. She is wonderful. Her family is wonderful. And full of geniuses.

I need to go to bed before I get too sentimental.

I love chocolate milk. Peace.