Stream of Conscientiousness

"con-sci-en-tious: (adj.) Governed by conscience, scrupulous || Characterized by or done with careful attention." --- Man, I was way off.

Location: Chicago, Illinois

I'm the wildest laid back person you'll ever meet. I wash my body first, hair last. I make one loop when I tie my shoes, not the bunny ears. Yet I prefer loafers. I'm in the market for a good pair of headphones, ones that won't wear out. Something akin to Gurgi's unending pouch of food (Lloyd Alexander fans??). I appreciate people that call me out when I'm bullshitting. I appreciate people helping me cut past the bullshit. I appreciate you if you've read this far. I've never owned a Zippo. I only recently learned how to dress myself. Bacci Pizza saved my life. More than once. It could save yours too. I dabble in acting. Any sentimental media about fathers makes me misty. Any sentimental media about children or puppies makes me roll my eyes. I love children and puppies, just not all forms of sentimentality. I am constantly on the lookout for my lucky dime.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Fashionista Shmashonista

Simple question: have any of you been seeing this color an awful lot lately? Now, Paul, as you are in Sri Lanka being an amazing person and helping people that need it (besides ramping up for the introduction of your all new Sri Lankan Diet once you return), I don't expect you to have been washed over by the sea of fashion that each spring brings, but apparently Calvin Klein, Donna Karan, and Mugatu have all gotten together again to choose the new fashion of the season. Asinine, I tell you. Asinine. I think I've used that word in my blog before. Let's move on.

Yes, apparently there is a convalcade of fashionistas each year (so the rumor goes) that get together and decide upon the colors of the season, so they can all capitalize together on everyone suddenly needing to change their clothes in order to have the latest styles, and therefore keeping the fashion industry alive. I was actually impressed with the color of my friend Natalie's lime jacket when I first saw it. But then I saw another. And another. Now I can't walk down the street without seeing a sea of lime, mostly paired with the pink leftovers of last year. Why do I pay attention to these things? I don't know, an over-active iris perhaps. Regardless, I will now and forever be in blue jeans and a white t-shirt. There's a certain cartoon character nature to my appearance that I like to continue.

Now, for something completely different, I was cast in a new show yesterday. Pretty crazy, but nice, as I was going a little crazy with this new-fangled thing called "free time." The night after Birds closed I was a little lost for something to do. Then the same thing happened the next night. By Wednesday I was near panic at the idea that there were ten thousand things I should be doing but suddenly my creativity had left me. The nature of being busy somehow keeps me busy doing a lot of things. The second my schedule frees up... well, it's just scary.

Last week, however, I got a lot done, I skipped a concert on Monday and cleaned at home instead, saw a movie on Tuesday, went to a play on Wednesday and Thursday, audition on Friday, and then another play last night. Unbelievable how anyone could ever be content just sitting at home and watching TV. Except for the fact that that's mostly what I did today. Well, that, and Tiger Woods 2005. New favorite game. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

At some point during high school, senior year I think, I went and played a full 18 holes with my friends John, Kendall, and perhaps (not sure) Kate Amburgy. Whatever happened to her, don't ask me. After that experience, I somehow learned to enjoy watching golf on television. Don't worry, I don't think pro bowling is very close behind.

Besides, pro-bowling isn't fashionable, and I'm all about fashion. See, everything comes full circle. Thanks for urging me to update guys, I like to think that my seamless ramblings are a little insight into the things I'm doing. But really, if I ever start to tell you about my teeth-brushing schedule, a la The Daily Calme, just shoot me.